Feb 3, 2014 | Training, Videos
Walking into the room, I felt the gaze of the audience judging every aspect of my physique, wondering if they’d notice my small calves or lack of tricep symmetry. Was I stepping on stage for my first contest? No. This was the UK premiere of Generation Iron....
Dec 23, 2013 | Female Fitness, Training
Knowing where to start can be difficult when trying to get in shape. The focus of this article is on how achieve that aesthetic “shredded” look that you see on the front of fitness magazines. It is not through one course of action that you will find...
Nov 28, 2013 | Slider, Training, Workouts
Bodybuilders and Strength athletes alike, I suggest you give this article a quick read. Understanding some of these principles for sustained strength gain will not only add to your ability to move more weight, but also to your capacity to lay on slabs of lean...