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Seven Steps to Shredded

Seven Steps to Shredded

Knowing where to start can be difficult when trying to get in shape. The focus of this article is on how achieve that aesthetic “shredded” look that you see on the front of fitness magazines. It is not through one course of action that you will find...
How to Burn Fat From Stubborn Areas

How to Burn Fat From Stubborn Areas

Everyone has stubborn areas of fat, and when you start a fat burning program, these stubborn areas of fat will usually come off last. Here are a few tips to help you on your quest – each may add 5% to your results, but together that adds up to a lot! Pick and...
Flat Belly Diet & Training Plan for Ladies

Flat Belly Diet & Training Plan for Ladies

Losing belly fat and replacing it with muscles is achieved through a combination of training and nutrition. Resistance training is essential for building muscle, and a good diet plan will fuel those muscle gains whilst helping you shed body fat! The simple flat belly...