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What’s Your Body Type?

What’s Your Body Type?

Your body type influences how you will respond to your diet and training program. By understanding your body type, you can tailor your workouts and nutrition to achieve any muscle building or fat loss goal! There is plenty of advice available as to what diet or...
Improve Your Fitness Outside the Gym

Improve Your Fitness Outside the Gym

There are a ton of potential opportunities to sneak in some light cardio outside of the gym by increasing your activity level throughout the day. Most of the time people isolate their cardio sessions to maybe a 30 minute period at the end of their workouts – so...
Stay Motivated to Hit the Gym After Work

Stay Motivated to Hit the Gym After Work

Getting motivation to go the the gym and keep up with your workout plan can be difficult, especially after a hard day of work. Staying consistent with your training is one of the most important  things when trying to get in shape and stay in shape! Try these six tips...