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Muscle Memory: Gains Are More Permanent Than You Think!

Muscle Memory: Gains Are More Permanent Than You Think!

Did you know that building muscle now will pay off later in life? Not only will it be easier to bulk up and get stronger in the future, but you will never completely lose muscle tone no matter how long you go without doing exercise. It doesn’t matter if you...
Ditch the Body Part Split – It Sucks for Building Muscle!

Ditch the Body Part Split – It Sucks for Building Muscle!

[fusion_text]Ask yourself these two questions: Have you been training for three years or less? Are you following a body part split? If you answered yes to both, then you better re-evaluate your training plan if you want to build muscle OR burn fat. A typical body part...
German Volume Training

German Volume Training

We have all been in this situation: training hard, seeing results, and then all of a sudden you stop making progress – it sucks! Plateauing like this is demoralising, but don’t fear, there is a solution, and it’s called German Volume Training....