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Muscle Nutrition Calculator

What is this Calculator For?

This calculator will give you nutrition targets specific to you, so that you can eat the right foods in the right quantities to  build strength and muscle without putting on fat.

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What do I need to Input?

  1. Select Units – choose your preferred units, either kg or lbs
  2. Initial Body Weight – your body weight currently
  3. Body Fat (%) – estimate your body fat percentage using the images in the plan
  4. Body Type – estimate from the images and explanations in the muscle guide
  5. Activity Level – your current activity level excluding gym sessions (usually moderate)

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What Should I do with the Results?

Make sure you write down all all of the nutrition targets you get from this calculator! Stick to the targets as accurately as you can. You don’t have to get them 100% accurate but the more accurately you track them, the better results you will see.

If you know how many calories you have been eating recently and this new target is DRASTICALLY different (200 kcal or more different), please get in touch so we can smoothly transition you onto this new calorie target.

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If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to email


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How to Set Exact Macro Goals in MyFitnessPal

You can use this ‘fix’ below to make more accurate adjustments to your goals on MyFitnessPal than the mobile app allows you too (the mobile app only allows macros to the nearest 5%).

Please note: this can only be done on a computer, not on a mobile device (as far as we are aware anyway).

  1. Install the Enhanced Macro Goals script for MyFitnessPal following these instructions (it’s easiest in Safari and Internet Explorer).
  2. Go to the custom goals editor on MyFitnessPal online (If you’re using Safari or Internet Explorer, you now need to click the new bookmark you added).
  3. Update your goals in grams – change your calories, fats and carbs, and leave the protein the same.
  4. Click the change goals button at the bottom.
  5. This will then sync with your phone/tablet.