WEEK 1 Eat – The Diet Makeover
Key points:
- The Diet Makeover – for just 2 weeks you will do the following:
- No wheat (flour, pasta, bread)
- No sugar or sweeteners (cakes, biscuits, processed foods, fruit juice, fizzy drinks, flavoured water)
- No dairy (milk, cheese etc.)
- No alcohol (wine, beer, spirits etc…)
- Drink 3 litres of water per day
- Why do the Diet Makeover
- Get yourself out of bad habits
- Will reduce cravings for bad foods and make the programme easier
- Help you learn how to make better food choices to stay in shape long term
- Boost energy and make you feel great
- How to do the diet makeover
- Read ingredients labels of the foods you buy and check for wheat, sugar, dairy
- Eat until you are full and satisfied – it’s very hard to eat when sticking to these godo food choices
- Stick to single-ingredient foods
- Carbs: oats, basmati rice, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, unsweetened rice cakes, all colourful vegetables (and white veg like cauliflower), fruit
- Proteins: all fresh meat (chicken, turkey breast, steak, beef mince, lamb), eggs, all fish (salmon, tuna, white fish, mackerel), whey protein isolate protein powder (90%), vegan protein powder
- Fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocado, nut butters, hummus, 85%+ dark chocolate
- Drinks: water, sparkling water, green tea, black coffee/tea, tea/coffee with unsweetened almond milk
- Include protein, carbs and fats and veg in EVERY meal you eat
- For now, just focus on these food choices – there is no need to track calories and we will introduce that in week 3
- Common problems
- Bloating – If you are not used to drinking plenty of water and eating lots of vegetables, you may experience some bloating but this should improve within 1-2 weeks
- Headaches/migraines – Cutting out sugar can cause “withdrawal symptoms”, drink plenty of water and this should not last longer than 3 days
- Gluten free products – Most of these contain lots of sugar, vegetable oils and other grains and are not much better that wheat containing products. Avoid them during these first two weeks
- Sugary fruits – Avoid having a lot of sugary fruits like any dried fruits, bananas (except in green smoothie), mangos, pineapple etc.
- How it works in terms of scoring
- 1 point per day on your EAT score for avoiding wheat, sugar, dairy and alcohol
- Max score for the week is 7/7