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One 12-minute Secret to “Collapse Time” and Destress So That Tracking and Training “Just Happen”

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Part 1 – One 12-minute Secret to “Collapse Time” and Destress So That Tracking and Training “Just Happen”


Video 1 – What Is “Mindset” and Why Do I Need It?


Working on your mindset will help you to…

  • Stick to the plan and get results
  • Pick up the pieces more quickly when you do go off track
  • Stop starting and stopping without getting anywhere
  • Avoid wasting WEEKS “falling off the wagon”
  • Fight overwhelm, stress and frustration BEFORE they even happen

Exercise 1 – Your Limiting Beliefs

Grab a pen and paper. Write down 5 things that are going to stop you from getting results from TeamTEG

e.g. TeamTEG will not work for me because…

  1. I don’t trust the process
  2. I will binge on unhealthy foods
  3. I won’t be able to stick to the diet
  4. I’m not motivated enough to go to the gym
  5. I’m afraid of the weights area

Now write down the EXACT OPPOSITE of each

e.g. TeamTEG will work for me because…

  1. I trust the process
  2. I won’t binge on unhealthy foods
  3. I won’t be able to stick to the diet
  4. I’m not motivated enough to go to the gym
  5. I’m afraid of the weights area


Video 2 – Mindset Tool #1 Hitting The Pause Button


Meditating with help you to…

  • Hit “pause” in the morning to create space in your mind
  • Be clearer about what you WANT and what you need to do
  • Increase your tolerance for stressful situations
  • Increase your capacity to do what you KNOW you should be doing
  • Allow you to GROW mentally to make your goals feel achievable
  • Make room in your mind for the other powerful mindset “tools”

Exercise 2 – Hitting The Pause Button

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on your bed
  2. Make sure there are no distractions and you won’t be disturbed
  3. Put on meditation music (Example:
  4. Set a timer for 6-12 minutes
  5. Close your eyes
  6. Relax and start breathing deeply
  7. Count your breaths from 1 to 10
  8. If your mind wanders, just “choose the number”
  9. If you lose track of the number, start again from 1

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