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We’ve all been in that situation where our environment becomes messy and cluttered simply because we’re holding onto too much stuff! A messy environment leads to a messy mind which keeps us from getting the best from our workout and nutrition plan.

Holding onto clutter is about the fear of what might happen when we let go. This applies to both external clutter in our environment as well as internal clutter such as emotional clutter, relationship clutter and mental clutter. There will often be correlation’s between internal and external clutter. For example, throwing out anything which reminds you of bad times in your life will prevent you from being reminded of those times so often.

The key to solving your clutter problems is to be willing to let go anything which no longer serves you. Whether that’s physical e.g. the bike you used to ride as a kid, or emotional e.g. any relationship which no longer makes you happy.

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Reasons to de-clutter

Focus – Less external clutter means less clutter inside of your mind and more focus for what’s important.

Relax – A clean and tidy environment makes it easy to unwind, stress is our enemy when it comes to fitness!

Streamline – When you can find what you need quickly (protein, shakers, gym clothes) you will waste less time.

Impress – Look forward to inviting people over to your tidy home where they can enjoy relaxing with you.

Spread Out – Less clutter means more space for stretching and home workouts!

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How to Reduce Your External Clutter

Step 1.

Tackle all the clutter you can see without having to open cupboards or drawers etc. Pick up each item and ask yourself “does this add value to my life and will I need it in the future?”. If the answer is no then either toss it in the trash, give it to charity or sell it if it has some value.

Step 2.

Once you’ve sorted out all the clutter in your direct line of sight start opening your drawers and cupboards one by one. Empty out every item and again decide if it should be kept or thrown in the trash. Group together all your similar items such as DVDs, stationary, electronics etc.

Step 3.

The last step is to reorganise everything you have decided is worth keeping. Put similar things in logical places where they are easy for you to find. For example, it makes more sense to have all your DVD’s on one shelf and books on another rather than a mix and match!