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#CC2015 Weekly Nutrition Calculator

What is this Calculator For?

This calculator will give you a new set of nutrition targets every week. Stick to these nutrition targets as accurately as you can over the course of the week. You don’t have to get them 100% accurate so don’t stress out if you don’t hit them exactly!

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What do I Need to Input?

  1. Maintenance Daily Calories – from the Maintenance Calculator
  2. Protein Intake – from the Maintenance Calculator
  3. Body type – estimate from the images at the bottom of this page (full explanation in training plan)
  4. Next Week of Plan – the week of the training plan that you are about to start

Note: If you did not track your body weight and use the maintenance calculator, you can get a good estimate of these values from the Initial Nutrition Calculator.

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What Should I do with the Results?

Stick to the nutrition targets from this calculator as accurately as possible for the next week of the plan.

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Weekly Nutrition Calculator

If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to email