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Well another month has passed, everyone has now moved on to a fat loss phase and there’s been some big surprises this month!

First of all, this month’s winner wasn’t even featured on this page last month — scroll down to see who won if you can’t wait!

The second surprise was that we have let some of the Cutting Challenge contestants (those who’s calorie targets would transition nicely into the new plans) try out our all new Ultimate Cutting Plan 2.0 and Ultimate Bikini Plan 2.0 — these guys will be showing you what’s possible with our latest and greatest plans.

If you weren’t chosen however, don’t worry! We kept you on the #CC2015 plan for a reason — the calorie progression was not right for everyone and we didn’t want to stop anyone making incredible progress each month.

Everyone has again made awesome progress this month — we’re hugely impressed yet again and you should all be proud whether you made it onto this page or not.

Important: Remember that everyone’s body changes shape at different rates. We keep banging on about this, but it really is true. For some of you, results may take a month or two longer to be really noticeable, but we can promise one thing — stay consistent and stick to the plan and your time will come!

We’ve displayed the pictures slightly differently this month for the top 5. Pictures go from oldest to newest left to right, with the first picture being their starting photo, the second photo their entry from last month and the final photo their entry for this month.

Anyway, we’re sure you’re keen to see the results, so without further ado here’s March’s winner:

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1. Charlie Hefferon [Month 3 Winner]

Congratulations Charlie!

Just look at that sexy stomach! You thoroughly deserve this month’s top spot!

Take your pic from what’s on offer in our clothing store, plus HogNuts Nut Butters will be sending you a tub of their wonderful nut butters.

After losing motivation a little bit last month (we were really disappointed not to receive a progress photo last month Charlie!), Charlie has totally turned things around.

She has addressed the issue that was sapping her motivation – an overly busy gym was ruining her workouts – and has a newfound energy which is showing in her amazing results.

Here’s what Charlie has to say:

“For me, this plan isn’t about losing weight and become a skinny bint! It’s about learning and building my body – progressing. I recently changed gyms after getting really demotivated and have a new found energy, I’m pushing myself each time I go and constantly finding that I can do more than I ever thought! I’m finding my muscles are getting more defined, especially my back and arms which I am LOVING! Bring on the summer so I can show off my hard work!

The ‘diet’ side of things is where I tend to struggle, but as I’m not looking to lose a lot (currently looking to lose another 4/5lb by the end of the plan) I find that I can be a little more lenient. I find it’s easier to have a little bit of what you fancy, that way it stops a binge – which I’m notorious for!

I’m looking forward to the next few weeks, especially the contrast week! Got my eye on a few classes at the gym!

Massive thanks to Rob and Ben, because without them, I’d still be flinging 4kg Dumbbells around without a clue!”

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CC2015 Month 3 Gareth Evans

2. Gareth Evans

Looking shredded Gareth!

The abs are already on show after just one month focused on fat loss — another 3 months and you’ll be able to grate cheese on your stomach!

Gareth is making awesome progress on our #CC2015 plan despite being stationed on the other side of the equator in the Falklands!

This is a fantastic demonstration that if you build a solid foundation of muscle first, fat loss comes a whole lot easier and looks a whole lot better!

Here’s what Gareth’s got to say after month 3:

“Being away from home for 2 months now with 2 to go would normally play havoc with your mind ,with lack of normality and home sickness it’s about this time it would normally kick in. But this program is helping me keep focus on the goal at the end of it all !

Month 3 has been superb, I’ve never done GVT before and it really did give me that kick up the backside I needed as I can now finally see the difference’s taking place my strength has significantly increased and the confidence is really starting to kick in

Looking forward to this month too! With week 13 completed it’s proving a challenging but rewarding phase now and I’m looking forward to seeing more progress in my self over the final few months .Pushing myself harder and harder each time building a much more toned and confident me!”

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CC2015 Month 3 Laura Sneddon

=3. Laura-Jane Sneddon

Just look at that amazing bikini body! No wonder Laura has placed in 3rd for the second month running.

Laura has transitioned from our #CC2015 plan onto our all-new Ultimate Bikini Plan 2.0 and the results are still coming thick and fast!

In fact, Laura is already bikini-ready and she’s 12 weeks early! With another 12 weeks to go on the new plan an epic set of abs should be in order.

Here’s what Laura has to say about her journey so far”

“I’m really enjoying the Bikini Plan 2.0 so far and noticing big changes after only 4 weeks into the fat loss stage. The plan is well thought out, easy to follow and the exercises continue to challenge me every week. I’m still eating around 2000 calories per day but I am becoming leaner and stronger as the weeks pass with no cardio whatsoever. I am gradually increasing the weights as I become more confident but it’s quality over quantity for me. I am still a complete novice to strength training and every day is a learning day with Train Eat Gain! I also really enjoy reading the articles that Rob and Ben post every day, as well as, the delicious recipes that prove eating clean doesn’t need to be boring! I can’t believe I’m well over the half way point now and one step closer to where I want to be. As always, a big thanks to Rob and Ben for their continued support 🙂 #TeamTEG”

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CC2015 Month-3 Sarah Teasdale

=3. Sarah Teasdale

Back in the top 5 again Sarah – well done yet again!

That stomach is getting better and better with every month, plus we’re seeing some pretty epic arm and shoulder definition coming out too!

Just like Laura above, Sarah has also transitioned onto the new Ultimate Bikini Plan 2.0 and is still marching on towards an amazing summer beach body to be proud of.

Here’s what Sarah has to say:

“Changing to the new bikini plan has been great, the new design and layout of the program is great, I have an at home multi gym that I use and so can’t always do all of the exercises that are set but with the new plan different options are given so you are still working the same muscles but just with a different move, this means there is always something I can substitute it with.

The routines are always changing and keeping my body guessing, before the plan I was just doing the same moves every week and just training a different body part on that day, now it’s all over every session which means I no longer have to wait for leg day, it’s always leg day haha!

I have still been following the workouts and the nutrition 100% and even though this month I’ve had more social events and been on holiday I’ve still managed to stick to my plan by being prepared and organised and I literally love doing it!

Thanks again to the guys who are always there with a quick reply wether it’s to show off a recipe I’ve made on Twitter or if I’ve got any queries via email!”

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CC2015 Month 3 Jodie Chandler

4. Jodie Chandler

As with a few of the others, Jodie is no stranger to the top 5 either, and with a set of abs like that it’s not hard to see why!

Jodie has been making fantastic consistent progress every single month and shows how staying committed to your goals (and a tailored training & nutrition plan) will bring results if you want them badly enough!

Jodie has been a bit busy eating Easter eggs today but here’s what she had to say about month 3:

“I’m really enjoying the bikini plan. It’s true- I slipped up at Easter and had and Easter egg… Or two. But I have otherwise been motivated to eat well and train as hard and often as I can because the plan is so easy to follow and the results are noticeable. The team at Train Eat Gain have given some great advice which is easy to follow, and if you have any questions it’s good to know they are there with a quick an comprehensive response. I’d highly recommend the plan if you are looking for good advice and seeing results.”

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CC2015 Month 3 Mickey Ross

5. Mickey Ross

Last but certainly not least is Mickey.

We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again — age is not an excuse, and at 43 Mickey is certainly proving that point!

Mickey wants to get his abs back and is well on his way to doing that after 3 months on the #CC2015 plan.

After a brutal month of German Volume Training, Mickey’s abs are looking better than ever and we’ve still got 12 weeks to go — you’re gonna be shredded this summer Mickey!

Here’s Mickey’s thoughts on month 3:

“Hi guys, thank you again so much your support through all of this has been brilliant and I really look forward to posting my weekly updates which keeps me focused for all my workouts. Month 3 has really up the game with german volume training I have found it challenging in a good way very enjoyable. What I want to achieve through all this was to get my abs back and with Still someway in workouts still to do I feel this is the year I will finally achieve this. Thanks again for all your support guys and I’m so glad I found TrainEatGain.”

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Runners up

It was a great shame to have to whittle down the entries to just 5 (or 6 again). We simply can’t ignore everyone’s hard work, so here is a gallery of a few more of the top contestants’ entries for March — amazing work all of you!

Thank you all for entering and keep up the hard work — you might just be #1 next month (for the second time running, the winner wasn’t on this page the previous month!).