What is this Calculator For?
This calculator will give you a set of initial nutrition targets for weeks 1 & 2. These initial nutrition targets will be a good estimate but will not be exact – after two weeks of sticking to these targets, a second calculator will be used to fine tune your caloric intake based on changes to your body weight.
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What do I need to Input?
- Select Units – choose your preferred units, either kg or lbs
- Initial Body Weight – your body weight at the beginning of this training program
- Body Fat (%) – estimate your body fat percentage using the images at the bottom of the page
- Body Type – estimate from the images at the bottom of the page (full explanation in training plan)
- Activity Level – your current activity level excluding gym sessions (usually moderate)
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What Should I do with the Results?
Make sure you write down all all of the nutrition targets you get from this calculator! Stick to the targets as accurately as you can for weeks 1 & 2. You don’t have to get them 100% accurate but the more accurately you track them, the better we can fine tune your targets with the second calculator.
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If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to email support@traineatgain.com
- Male Body Type
- Female Body Type
- Body Fat Percentage