There’s no getting around the fact that arm workouts will make your arms bigger! Aside from a set of six pack abs, arms are one of the most sought after muscle groups! Having big, well-developed arm muscles is almost universally seen as a symbol of power and strength. These five arm workouts are designed to shock the system and punish your muscles with something completely new.
I would recommend training arms between 1-2 times per week. These arm workouts are guaranteed to kick your ass – especially if you don’t usually train arms with high volume! Make sure you are using proper form and aim for a 2-3 second negative on every repetition! Enough of the boring stuff, let’s get to the workouts!
For more high-volume workouts like these check out our Ultimate Muscle Plan!
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1. German Volume Supersets Arm Workout
60 seconds rest between sets
1. Seated biceps curl – 10 x 10 (vary your grip from reverse curl to supinated curl set by set)
2a. Bodyweight skull crusher – 10 x 10
2b. Lying triceps extension – 10 x 10
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2. Brutal Pyramid Punishment Arm Workout
300 reps per exercise!
1. Dumbbell biceps curl – 10 pyramid sets
e.g. 50x5kg, 40x6kg, 30x7kg, 20x8kg, 10x10kg, 10x10kg, 20x8kg, 30x7kg, 40x6kg, 50x5kg
2. Lying down triceps extension – 10 pyramid sets
e.g. 50x5kg, 40x6kg, 30x7kg, 20x8kg, 10x10kg, 10x10kg, 20x8kg, 30x7kg, 40x6kg, 50x5kg
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3. Biceps and Triceps Giant Sets Arm Workout
perform 4 exercises back to back with no rest
1a. Seated supinated biceps curl – 2 x 10
1b. Lying triceps extension – 2 x 10
1c. Spider Curl – 2 x 10
1d. Overhead triceps extension – 2 x 10
2a. Triceps rope pulldown – 2 x 10
2b. Rope hammer curl – 2 x 10
2c. Single arm triceps rope pulldown 2 x 10
2d. Single arm rope hammer curl – 2 x 10
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4. Home Dumbbell Destruction Arm Workout
Smash this quick workout in your bedroom
1. Dumbbell curl – 3 sets: 1×50, 2×25, 1×50 (increase the weight for the 2×25)
2. Dumbbell skull crusher – 3 sets: 1×50, 2×25, 1×50 (increase the weight for the 2×25)
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5. Dropset & Superset Destruction Arm Workout
Combine these two well-known methods
1. Dumbbell skullcrusher dropset – 3 x 10,10
2a. Bodyweight skullcrusher – 3 x 10
2b. Dumbbell kickback – 3 x 8-10
3. Dumbbell curl dropset – 3 x 10,10
4a. Dumbbell hammer curl – 3 x 10
4b. Reverse grip barbell curl – 3 x 10
For more high-volume workouts like these check out our Ultimate Muscle Plan!